
The Sadakada Pahana


The Sadakada Pahana

$ 120 BB (60% off for Sri Lankan Residents)a night

Room Details

 Double Bed  Free Internet  Newspapers on request (FOC)
 190 square feet  2 persons  Private Balcony
 Breakfast included Flat Screen TV


The Moonstone called the “Sandakada Pahana” in Sinhala, is a semi-circular slab of stone at the foot of a flight of steps to a shrine. This feature seen in the sculptures of Amaravati and Nagarjunakonda, may have come to Sri Lanka along with the other forms of art. But it is striking to notice that this feature of the half moonstone had its artistic development in Sri Lanka.



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The Mask
$ 120 BB (60% off for Sri Lankan Residents)a night

The Luxury of a KingdomThe history of “Masks” that are unique to Sri Lanka dated back to the 1800’s which were used to portray various characters in popular folk tales and for devil dancing in southern province in Sri Lanka.

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